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Monday, 25 April 2016

Five home remedies for lighten up the pimple scars...!!!

Home remedies are always best for a good output. During some phase of life we all have to go through the pimples and scars on our face. When pimp[ples burst out it leaves a scar on our face which destroys our entire look. Sometimes these scars can turn bigger and darker if not treated well. Nowadays women usually use branded products which make fake promises to vanish the scar completely.

According to beauty experts one should pamper their skin only with the help of home remedies because chemical products can ruin your skin badly. Thus, It's better to  use home remedies for a healthy and glowing skin.  

Here are some home remedies which will help you to get rid of pimple scars:- 

Coffee- Mix one tablespoon of coffee powder with water and make a thick paste. Apply the same on the scars and let it dry for a while and after that wash it off with plain water. This home remedy is awesome for scars.

Turmeric- Turmeric are best for all kind of skin problems. Add one tablespoon of turmeric and milk into a bowl and make a thick paste. Apply it all over your face and let it dry for a while. Wash it off with cold water. For better results apply this home remedy on a daily basis till the scars disappear. 

Sandalwood- Sandalwoods are simply fantastic for our skin. It not only remove pimple scars but also pampers our skin and make it glow and shine. Make a thick paste of sandal powder and apply it all over your face for the best results.It is also helpful in improving the complexion.  

Sugar- Sugar can be used to scrub your face as it is super effective to remove blackheads and facial hair. Make a thick paste of sugar powder and massage it on your face for at least 10-15 min. Repeat it daily for the best results. 

Rice water- After straining the cooked rice, store the rice water in a bowl. Whenever you wash your face wash it with rice water. Rice water contains starch which helps to vanish the scars. You can also mix this water in your face pack.

Saturday, 23 April 2016

नारियल पानी से चेहरा धुलने के हैं कई फायदे...

गर्मी के दिनों में चेहरे पे पानी के छींटे तो आप भी मारते होगें। आप ने ये तो सुना ही होगा की गर्मियों में दिन भर में कम से कम दो तीन बार चेहरे को साफ पानी से जरूर धुलना चाहिए। एेसा करने से चेहरा साफ रहता है और दाने भी नहीं होते। 
लेकिन अगर आप चेहरे के पानी के बदले नारियल पानी से धुलते हैं तो इससे चेहरे को और भी ज्यादा लाभ मिलता है। नीरियल पानी से चेहरा धुलने पे मुहाँसों और ब्लैकहेड्स की समस्या से निजात मिलता है। अगर गर्मियों में आपको बार-बार चेहरे पर पसीना आता हो तो उससे भी निजात मिलता है। 

ताजे हरे नारियल के पानी से गर्मियों में चेहरे को कम से कम दो बार धुलना चाहिए इससे गर्मियों में होने वाले अन्य़ समस्याअों से तो निजात मिलता ही है साथ ही चेहरे पर निखार भी आता है। 
आइए एक नजर डालते हैं नारियल पानी से होने वाले फायदों पे- 
दाग धब्बों से निजात दिलाएं- नियमित तौर पे अगर नारियल पानी को दाग धब्बे वाले चेहरे पर लागाया जाए तो इसका जल्द असर दिखाई देता है। साथ ही साथ चेहरे पर दमक भी आती है। 

मुहाँसों से छुटकारा- चेहरे पर मुहाँसा होने की स्थिति में भी नारियल पानी काफी फायदेमंद होता है। रोजाना अगर काॅटन बाॅल से मुहाँसों पे नारियल पानी लगाया जाए तो इससे कुछ ही दिनों में मुहाँसों से छुटकारा पाया जा सकता है। 
डार्क स्पाट से निजात दिलाए- नारियल पानी आँखों के नीचे होने वाले काले घेरे को भी दूर करने में मदद करता है। रोजाना अगर नारियल के पानी को काले घेरे के नीचे लगाया जाए तो जल्द रिजल्टस् दिखाई देते हैं। 
झुर्रियों को दूर करें- नियमित रुप से नारियल का पानी चेहरे पर लगाने से चेहरे में कसाव आता है और कुछ ही दिनों में झुर्रियाँ गायब हो जाती है। आप इसकी इस्तेमाल किसी फेस पैक में मिला कर भी कर सकते है। 
सन टैन हटाए- गर्मियों में तेज धूप के कारन अक्सर चेहरा झुलस जाता है जिससे टैनिंग आती है। एेसे में नारियल पानी से रोज चेहरा धुलने से जल्द ही राहत मिलता है। कोकोनट वाटर में ब्लीचिंग प्रापर्टी होती है जो चेहरे को साफ करती है। 

Thursday, 21 April 2016

Five ways to keep yourself cool during summer...!!!

It's only mid of the April and we are yet not ready to beat the heat of this soaring temperatures. We all are going through the scorching heat of the summer and most of us often plan a holiday to a cool and calm destination,but sometimes it is not possible to go on any holiday because of the personal reasons. 

The scorching heat of the summer is not bearable for everyone,so you don't need to worry about it because it is possible to cool down your body temperature.You can control the outside heat by slimmer down your body and it can be reduced by mentally and emotionally such as don't think too much about the heat. 

To keep yourself cool during the summer is not an easy game. You need to take care of your self during the burning outside heat. 

Let's have a look on how can we keep ourselves cool from the burning heat- 

Avoid salty food:- Our body usually heat up during the summer, so we need to avoid spicy foods and caffeine during the whole summer season. Do not consume lots of chillies and hot peppers too, avoid eating cheese and cream as they can add too much heat to your body. Apart from this it is most important to stay away from the foods like onion and garlic as they can affect your body.

Stay hydrated :- To keep your body hydrated start drinking lots of water if you don't drink a requirable amount of water. Along with water you can also have a sip of lemonade and your favourite ice tea. Do avoid cold drinks and other packaged beverages. 

Dress yourself according your comfort :- It is important to let your body breath during the summer. So it's better to wear right and comfortable clothes during this season. During the hot summer days try to wear loose fitting and light coloured outfits. It will help you to relax your body.

Prefer light exercise :- Exercise is the best way to keep your fit, but during summer try to work out in morning and in the evening  because between these two period of time weather seems to be cool. Always prefer light exercises like walking, yoga and swimming to cool down the temperature of your body. 

Use Sunscreen :- Never ever forget to apply sunscreen while going out in the sun. It dosen't matter at all whether your complexion is espresso or ivory, you still need to apply it. To prevent your skin from sun tanning it's important to apply the perfect SPF. 

Tuesday, 19 April 2016

How to protect yourself from summer blisters...!!!!

Summers are on the rocks, so we need to take care of ourselves from the side effects of this season. The basic downside of summer is facing the predictable blisters all over the body. The sunburn blisters are generally fluid-filled bumps which appear on the clusters of the skin. It is an area of raised skin with watery liquid inside. They simply look like bubbles on the skin. They cause because of the continued exposer to the sunlight or in the burning heat.

These summer blisters can be extremely painful and may cause itchiness. Basically, the summer blisters cause because of the hot humid weather as the sweat trap perspiration under the skin and later they appear as tiny bumps or blisters. Sometimes people used needle to get rid of it, but it's not a better way as it can lead skin infection.

Let's have a look how can you protect yourself from these summer blusters-

Aloe vera- If you are also suffering from summer blisters, then you should apply aloe vera gel on the affected area. Aloe vera is know as a good astringent, thus it can keep the blister clean and it also prevent infection. Applying aloe vera is a perfect way to cure the summer blisters.

Tea Tree Oil- The antibacterial and antiviral properties of tea tree oil is very effective on summer blisters. Take one part of tea tree oil and mix it with the three parts of water and apply it on the affected area by using cotton balls. It can heal the blisters in few days only.

Ice- Pack- The cold compresses are always a better option to cure summer blisters. Keeping ice pack for a while can bring down the pain as well as the inflammation. Wrap some few ice cubes in a clean cloth and rub it softly all over the blisters. You can also place the icepack on the affected area for 15 min to 20 min for the better results.

Vinegar- The acetic acid of vinegar can heal the blisters pain. For the better results soak few sheets of paper towels in white vinegar and keep them on blisters for a while until it gets dry. 

Lavender Oil- It can be a great healer for blisters. Dabbing lavender oil on blisters on a daily basis can cure it quickly. Lavender oil helps in healing the skin and can take out your pain. Apply it on daily basis and watch out the difference. 

Black Tea- The anti-inflammatory properties of black tea can help to diminish the blister's pain. To get rid of summer blisters you don't need to drink black tea, all you need to do is just apply black tea with the help of cotton balls on the affected area for the quick results. 

Toothpaste- To alleviate the blister's pain you can also try toothpaste on it. Toothpaste are best in drying out the blisters and pimples as well. Before going to bed in the night apply some toothpaste on the affected area and leave it whole night for the quick results. 

In this way by using the home remedy you can heal the summer blisters easily.

Friday, 15 April 2016

जिम डाइट प्लान के जरिए 7 दिनों में घटाएं 7 किलो तक वजन...

अगर आप भी अपनी बढ़ती वजन से हैं परेशान तो आप भी इस जिम डाइट प्लान के जरिए सिर्फ सात दिनों में पा सकते है एक छरहरी काया। जिम डाइट प्लान बाकी नार्मल डाइट प्लान से काफी अलग और  असरदार होता हैं और तुरंत वजन घटाने में मदद करता है। 

यह मुख्यतौर पे एक वेजिटेरियन डाइट प्लान है जिसमें आपको खूब सारा फल और स्बजियों का सेवन करना पड़ता है।

इस डाइट प्लान के बहुत सारे फायदे है जैसे स्किन पे ग्लो आना, पेट और कमर की चर्बी घटाता है, बाॅडी को डिटाक्स करता है। 

अब जिम डाइट को फाॅलो करने के तरीकों पे एक नजर ़डालते है-

- इस डाइट में आपको केवल फल और सब्जियों का ही सेवन करना है। इसे करते वक्त आपको शराब कुछ दिन पहले और डाइट के कुछ दिन बात तक छोड़ देनी है। दिन में 10 गिलास पानी पीना होगा, जिससे शरीर में एनर्जी बनी रहे।

  • पहला दिन-  पहला दिन थोड़ा कठिन होता है। इस दिन आपको सिर्फ फल खाना होता है, लेकिन ध्यान रखें की फलों में केेले का सेवन ना करें। खासकरके संतरे, तरबूज, अंगुर, लीची और आम का सेवन जरूर करें। आप पहले दिन जितना चाहे उतने फलों का सेवन कर सकते हैं। एेसा करने से एक दिन में आप तीन पाउंड तक वजन कम कर सकते है। 

  • दूसरा दिन- दूसरे दिन आपको केवल सब्जियों का सेवन करना होता है। आप बायल या कच्ची सब्जियों का भी सेवन कर सकते है। इन्हें तब तक खाए जब तक आपका पेट भर ना जाए। आप दिन में एक आलू खा सकते है। सब्जियाँ खाने से आपको ढ़ेर सारा फाइबर और पोषण मिलता है। 

  • तीसरा दिन- तीसरे दिन आपको फल और सब्जियाँ दोनो खाना होता है। आप जितनी मर्जी इन्हें खाए और साथ ही खूब सारा पानी पीना ना भूलें। इस दिन आपको आलू नहीं खाना है क्योंकी कार्बोहाइ़ड्रेट आपको फलों से प्राप्त हो जाएगी। तीसरे दिन आपको बहुत ही हल्कापन महसुस होगा। 

  • चौथा दिन- इस दिन पुरे दिन में आप 6 केले और 4 गिलास दुध पी सकते है। वैसे तो आप सभी ने सुना होगा की केला वजन बढ़ाता है लेकिन ये पोटैशियम और सो़डियम का बहुत ही अच्छा सोर्स होता है। इतने दिनों में आपके शरीर में जो नमक की कमी होती है केला उसे पुरा कर देता है। 

  • पाँचवा दिन-  इस दिन आप अपनी पसंदीदा चीजें खा सकते है। इस दिन आप टमाटर, स्प्राउटस् और पनीर आदि खा सकते हैं। पाँचवे दिन टमाटर का सूप और खूब सारा पानी पीना ना भूलें। 

  • छठां दिन- इस दिन आपको टमाटर के बजाए स्प्राउट्स और पनीर खाने की जरूरत होती है। साथ ही आप कोई भी एक टेस्टी सूप बना के पी सकते हैं। सब्जियाँ खाने से बाॅ़डी को फाइबर और विटामिन सी मिलता है। इसके साथ ही आपके शरीर में बदलाव दिखने शुरू हो जाते हैं।

  •  सातवाँ दिन- इस ़डाइट प्लान के आखिरी दिन आप ताजे फलों के जूस और साथ में एक बाउल ब्राउन राइस और आधी चपाती किसी भी सब्जी के साथ ले सकते हैं। इस दिन आप अपने आप को पहले से कई ज्यादा हल्का और एनर्जी से भरपुर महसुस कर सकते है। 

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Keep your self healthy during summers..!!!

Summers are going to hit badly this year, so we need to keep ourselves healthy from the scorching heat of the sun. In this way we need to watch out our daily routine very strictly, we should care about the food we consume.

During summers eating street food can be dangerous and it can cause some health related problems too. To keep your body hydrated it's necessary to intake a lot of liquid and water-based foods to prevent dehydration. You should also avoid to go out in the sun as much as you can. 

Here are some tips to keep yourself healthy during summer

Purify Your Drinking Water:- It is very important to purify the drinking water before consumption. In summer you can easily lead to water borne diseases, that is why it's necessary to purify the water as it will help to remove the harmful bacteria from the water.

 Eat Light In Summer :- To keep yourself active and fit it's important to eat light food in summer. You should also reduce the intake of spicy food as the spicy ingredients will harm your stomach badly.

Stick On Water Based Foods :- The best way to stay hydrated in the summer is to include a lot of liquids in your daily diet. Instead of oily foods you should take water melon and musk melon to increase the water content in your body and to keep the metabolism and immunity up.

Keep Yourself cool :- Try to keep yourself cool in the summer. Stay indoor during the day time when the temperature increases outside. Keep yourself cool under the fan or air conditioner.

Encourage Cold Baths :-  To keep your energy levels high cold water bath will help you out and it will decrease your body heat too. Cold water baths also prevent you from the excessive sweating as well.

Do not fall in love with the sun :- For every human being Vitamin D is a need for their body, But the equation are different in summer, you can let your body absorb all the vitamin D before 1pm but not after 1 because during after that the ultra vilot rays are seem to be high which is unhealthy for your body.

Avoid street food :- It's tough to avoid street food in India, but for the sake of your healthy life try to avoid it during summer at least. Especially in summer you should be wise in selecting the street food venues. Visit only the indoor carts , do not eat anything from the roadside vendors. 

Monday, 4 April 2016

Here are some highly nutritional black superfoods for the summer..!!!

Similar to green foods, black foods are also highly nutritious. During summer consuming  black foods will help to keep your body temperature cool and fit in the scorching sun.

There is no chance of fall ill during summer if you consume black foods as a part of your regular summer diet. Black foods are healthy and nutritious because their colour hails, from anthocyanins, a plant pigment that can help lower the risks of diabetes, heart disease and cancer as well. Black foods are enriched with more antioxidants in comparison of light coloured foods. 

In this way if you want a change in your diet and want to make summer better and cooler, then you should have a look of these black super foods for the summer:- 

Nutritional black superfoods for the summer

Black Rice- For a healthier life you must have been advised to add brown rice in your diet. Consuming black rice in your regular diet can doubled up your immunity and can protect your body cells from the free radical damage.

Black Olives- Black olives are the healthiest option to prevent heart disease and lower the cholesterol levels too. These tiny little super food are enriched with antioxidant.

Black Tea- Black tea is also considered as a superfood because it contains theaflavins, which help to lower the risk of heart attack and diabetes too. Black tea is quite famous in all over India.

Black Beans- Tiny black beans are  rich source of iron. They help to build up good blood cells as well as they help in lowering the risk of developing cancer.

Blackberries- Consuming blackberries will not let you suffer from memory loss. Blackberries are enriched with polyphenols which help to look after your brain.

Black Mushroom- Black mushrooms are great source of antioxidants which help to boost up your immunity and prevent you from the premature ageing. It helps to prevent cancer.

Black Pepper- Pepper is filled with rich iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, zinc, chromium, vitamin A and C. Black peppers help in weight loss as well as it also prevent summer sicknesses.

Black Mustard- These black tiny mustard seeds are enriched with calcium which protect our bones and teeth, that's why mustard seeds should be a must add to your regular diet.

Black Sesame Seeds-  Sesame seeds are rich in protein which helps in regulating blood pressure and prevents diabetes as well. These black sesame seeds are good for heart.