Summers are on the rocks, so we need to take care of ourselves from the side effects of this season. The basic downside of summer is facing the predictable blisters all over the body. The sunburn blisters are generally fluid-filled bumps which appear on the clusters of the skin. It is an area of raised skin with watery liquid inside. They simply look like bubbles on the skin. They cause because of the continued exposer to the sunlight or in the burning heat.
These summer blisters can be extremely painful and may cause itchiness. Basically, the summer blisters cause because of the hot humid weather as the sweat trap perspiration under the skin and later they appear as tiny bumps or blisters. Sometimes people used needle to get rid of it, but it's not a better way as it can lead skin infection.
Let's have a look how can you protect yourself from these summer blusters-
Aloe vera- If you are also suffering from summer blisters, then you should apply aloe vera gel on the affected area. Aloe vera is know as a good astringent, thus it can keep the blister clean and it also prevent infection. Applying aloe vera is a perfect way to cure the summer blisters.

Tea Tree Oil- The antibacterial and antiviral properties of tea tree oil is very effective on summer blisters. Take one part of tea tree oil and mix it with the three parts of water and apply it on the affected area by using cotton balls. It can heal the blisters in few days only.

Ice- Pack- The cold compresses are always a better option to cure summer blisters. Keeping ice pack for a while can bring down the pain as well as the inflammation. Wrap some few ice cubes in a clean cloth and rub it softly all over the blisters. You can also place the icepack on the affected area for 15 min to 20 min for the better results.

Vinegar- The acetic acid of vinegar can heal the blisters pain. For the better results soak few sheets of paper towels in white vinegar and keep them on blisters for a while until it gets dry.

Lavender Oil- It can be a great healer for blisters. Dabbing lavender oil on blisters on a daily basis can cure it quickly. Lavender oil helps in healing the skin and can take out your pain. Apply it on daily basis and watch out the difference.

Black Tea- The anti-inflammatory properties of black tea can help to diminish the blister's pain. To get rid of summer blisters you don't need to drink black tea, all you need to do is just apply black tea with the help of cotton balls on the affected area for the quick results.

Toothpaste- To alleviate the blister's pain you can also try toothpaste on it. Toothpaste are best in drying out the blisters and pimples as well. Before going to bed in the night apply some toothpaste on the affected area and leave it whole night for the quick results.

In this way by using the home remedy you can heal the summer blisters easily.
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