Chia seeds are packed full of nutrients. They are an excellent source of omega3, fatty acids. These chia seeds are also rich in antioxidants,fiber,magnesium,iron and calcium. Approximately 28 grams of chia seeds contains 138grams calories,8grams fat,12grams carbohydrate,10grams fiber and 5grams protein.Chia seeds are tiny black seeds from the plant Salvia Hispanica, which is related to the mint.Despite their ancient history as a dietary staple, only recently did chia seeds become recognized as a modern day super food.
In the past few years, they have exploded in popularity and are now consumed by health conscious people all over the world.
Consuming 28grams of chia seeds provides 18% of daily calcium we need,27% of phosphorous,30% of magnesium and potassium.
Chia is a nutritious ancient seeds that has been used in Latin America for thousands of years.These seeds deliver a massive amount of nutrients with very few calorie. The antioxidants which are found in chia seeds.
These seeds deliver a massive amount of nutrients with very few calorie. The antioxidants which are found in chia seeds are protect the sensitive fats in the seeds from going rancid. These seeds also contains a decent amount of protein. Because of the high fiber and protein content,it should be able to help you loose weight.Chia seeds can also improve the certain blood markers, which should lower the risk of heart disease and type2 diabetes.They are also high in many important bone nutrients.
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