Everyone wants a Sparkling and beautiful eyes for themselves, but for that we need to take care of our eyes in a healthy way.
Illness, dryness, fatigue and inadequate diet can be the cause of dull lifeless and bloodshot eyes. Sometimes because of too much of alcohol and lack of sleep can gives us a pinkish and green yellow sclera. Reading material should be kept at least 10 inches away from the eye. Too much of make up around the eyes can also keep us away from a beautiful eyes.
Let see what should we do for a sparkling and beautiful eyes.
Illness, dryness, fatigue and inadequate diet can be the cause of dull lifeless and bloodshot eyes. Sometimes because of too much of alcohol and lack of sleep can gives us a pinkish and green yellow sclera. Reading material should be kept at least 10 inches away from the eye. Too much of make up around the eyes can also keep us away from a beautiful eyes.

Let see what should we do for a sparkling and beautiful eyes.
- We should drink minimum 2 liters of water daily, it is the most basic method .

- We must eat a good quantity of vitamin A and C.For vitamin C we can take citrus fruits such as oranges and lemons for vitamin A we can take carrots, sweet potatoes, spinach and guavas.

- We can also take omega 3 supplements after consulting an eye doctor.
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- To relax your eyes we should rub our hand till they become warm and after that placed them on your eye for a few minutes. Your eyes will feel relax and refreshed.
- Always rinse your eyes well before sleeping, remove your eye make up gently with makeup remover and pat your eyes with dry towels.
- To get an instant sparkle in your eyes first rub a piece of ice gently on your eyelids in a circular motion and immediately follow this with applying cotton dipped in hot water or splash it on the eyes, repeat this hot and cold procedure 7-8 times.

- Prepare a cup of strong black tea and keep it in the fridge for cooling after that soak a cotton in it and place the cotton on your eyelids. for best results leave it for 10-20 min.
- For a sparkling and shining eye you can also apply the cucumber juice with rose water on your eyelids. It will refresh your eye.
- Always wear sunglasses while going out in the sun. It will protect your eye from the ultra violet ray and dusty wind.

- Try to relax your eye with meditation and yoga.
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