It's a true fact that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and should not skip it at any cost.
Skipping breakfast can lead us to many health risks as such high blood pressure, obesity, cognition and mood.It is said that the metabolic rate is high early during the day that's why this is the ideal time the body needs to be fed with rich nutrients.
Skipping breakfast can decrease our energy level as well as metabolic rate, it can lead us to weight gain and increased our injury rates.
Let's have an eye on the effects of skipping breakfast:-
Skipping breakfast can lead us to many health risks as such high blood pressure, obesity, cognition and mood.It is said that the metabolic rate is high early during the day that's why this is the ideal time the body needs to be fed with rich nutrients.
Skipping breakfast can decrease our energy level as well as metabolic rate, it can lead us to weight gain and increased our injury rates.
Let's have an eye on the effects of skipping breakfast:-
- Badly effect the heart:- some research shows that people who skip breakfast are at the higher risk of heart attack. This is the enough reason to grab a healthy breakfast before leave your house in the morning.

- Higher the risk of type-2 diabetes:- According to some research, people who had a bad habit of skipping breakfast were at the higher risk of type 2 diabetes in the comparison of people who had their breakfast daily.

- Weight gain:- Skipping breakfast pops up the craving of sugary and fatty foods. This is in return lead them to weight gain.

- Causes migraine:- Skipping breakfast gives a massive dip in the sugar levels. In this way it also increases the blood pressure that triggers migraines and headache.

- Lowers the concentration levels:- Skipping breakfast can also lowers the concentration levels and it may affects the memory and co-ordination.
- Makes you grumpy:- Skipping breakfast can makes one grumpy and agitated. There is loss of energy and lack of attention which can affect the daily activities.

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