For every women a slim waist is a dream and desire, but to get a right body shape one needs to pay attention on her diet.
There are so many foods available which can reduce your weight gradually. Apart from exercising and following a diet, selecting healthy foods becomes a priority. Getting a flat stomach is not as easy as you think you can achieve. A flaunting belly and waist can only achieved by a strict daily diet routine. These routines include exercise and healthy diet.

Let's have a look towards those foods which can help you to get a slim waist-
- Raspberries:- Raspberries are enriched with soluble fiber and antioxidants which can help you to get a slim waist. Consuming this fruit on a daily basis can reduce the amount of bad cholesterol from our body. In this way reducing the fat around your waist can give you a slim waist later.

- Black and White beans:- Beans are low in calories and do not contain fat with it. These beans are enriched with proteins. Thus it can help in reducing fat around the waist.

- Skim Milk:- Instead of regular milk or any other flavored milk skim milk is great to reduce fat as it contains vitamins and no fat constituents.

- Quinoa:- Quinoa is enriched with protein and high fiber. It is almost a type of grains like barley and farro, but it is more beneficial than other grains. Consuming it on a regular basis can help to reduce weight.

- Asparagus:- It is enriched with folate and vitamin C which helps to get a flaunting slim waist. Asparagus contains low amount of sugar and it is a healthier option for us rather than any other fatty foods.

- Honey:- It is one of the oldest home remedy to lose weight. On a daily basis if you consume a glass of hot water with one teaspoon of lemon and honey it will definitely reduce your unwanted fat from your waistline.

- Vinegar:- It helps in lessen the glycemic effect of a meal which helps to reduce food in take. Consuming salads containing vinegar can helps us to keep us feel light and gradually helps in reducing weight.

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