None of us ever want to get old, but we can not help it because ageing is a natural process which is not in our control. Ageing is an inescapable process and we can not stop it, but yes definitely we can postpone it by consuming several anti-ageing foods. The best way to combat the process of ageing is consuming anti-ageing foods. We can either include them in our diet or apply them topically on our skin to get rid of ageing.

These anti-ageing foods help in reducing the signs of ageing such as puffy eyes, age spots, fine lines and wrinkles. They provide a youthful glow on our face. In markets there are so may anti-ageing creams and lotions are available who claims to provide an effective result.
In this way we end in losing our money with no positive results. So, the best and ideal way to avoid the process of ageing is to consume right kind of nutritious foods.
Let's have a look on those foods which can provide us a youthful and glowing skin:-
- Beans :- Beans are enriched with an immense amount of protein and fibre in them. They contain a very low amount of carbohydrates which can be always responsible for our body weight. Beans have some anti-inflammatory property which is fabulous in slowing down the ageing process.

- Salmon :- Salmons are enriched with omega3 and essential proteins. The antioxidant properties of salmons are best for delay the ageing process.

- Turmeric :- It is considered as one of the best anti-ageing components which is also often used in preparing almost every meal. The anti-inflammatory and antioxidants properties of turmeric boost up the digestive system as well as slow down the ageing process.

- Almonds :- Consuming a handful of almond everyday will help you stay young for a longer period of time. Almonds are enriched with vitamin-E which works like wonders in treating hair and skin related problems. The magnesium present in almonds helps in slowing down the ageing process.

- Tomatoes :- By including tomatoes in your daily diet can make you look younger. It also prevents the age-related diseases like osteoporosis. Tomatoes are enriched with lycopene which protects our skin from the Uv rays of sun and provides us a youthful skin.

- Spinach :- Spinaches are enriched with vitamins, minerals, potassium and high fibre. It is also a rich source of antioxidants which protects us from ageing and provides us a glowing and radiant skin.

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