We can increase our stamina and energy by including some superfoods in our diet. Carbohydrates, protein, vitamin and fiber are such component which can increase our stamina as well as energy. Such nutrients can keep us active all day. Carbohydrates are the main sources of fuel for the body and brain. Foods like bread, pasta and rice are enriched with carbohydrates. In this way vitamin C helps us to strengthen our immune system and protect our body from cold and flu.
On the other hand protein is an important nutrient for our growth and development. It can also prevent us from overeating. Chicken, fish, egg and nuts are the healthy sources of protein. There is also an important nutrient iron should be included in our diet. For a healthy and energetic life we must consume those foods which can increases our stamina to carry out the different functions of the body.
Here are some foods which help us to increase our stamina:-
Apple:- Apples are enriched with antioxidants and soluble fibers along with the essential vitamins and minerals which help us to boost up the immune system. They help us to maintain a healthy heart and weight as well as detoxify the liver. The fiber which is present in apple can keep us energetic for a long time.

Almonds :- Almonds are enriched with omega 3 and vitamin E which provide an excellent energy to our body. They also help us to build strong bones and nourish our brain.

Beans :- For a total nourishment our body and to increase the energy levels we must try beans, as they are enriched with fiber, proteins, minerals and carbohydrates.

Brown rice :- Brown rice in enriched with vitamin B complex and fiber. It is not as much as starchy as white rice. Brown rice provide a feeling of fullness and keeps us energetic.

Banana:- Banans contains fiber, fructose and carbohydrates. It works as an instant energy booster and increases the stamina.
Beetroot juice :- To build up the stamine and reduce the tiredness we should consume beetroot as it contains vitamins A and C. Thr beetroot juice helps to reduce the fatigue and boost up our energy levels.

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